"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". - Nelson Mandela.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

JEM 11

On Tuesday 21 of February, some English teachers from Vedruna Balaguer School attended to the 11th Edition of Multilingual Schools (Jornades d’Escoles Multilingües 11 #JEM11) in Barcelona.

It has been an enriching and amazing experience in which different schools and professionals from the educational field shared their personal knowledge, letting us know innovative teaching and learning methodologies and dynamics for learning foreign languages.

We also had the chance to discover a great amount of expositors, foreign language workshops based on Project Learning and CLIL, language assistants, book editorials, among many other resources which we feel sure that will be meaningful and really attractive for our pupils.

Resultat d'imatges de jem11 escola cristiana

1 comment:

  1. In a way they made the world better. Once a language barrier is broken, we find in each other more similarities than we previously thought possible. These similarities bring us closer! Career Training Resources
